ADSNY 2023 - 2024 Annual Meeting
The Art Deco Society of New York would like to extend its sincere thanks for your support and interest in preserving and celebrating New York’s Art Deco heritage. As we come to the end of the 2023-24 ADSNY year, we are pleased to share with you some highlights of the past year and offer an opportunity to hear from ADSNY’s Board of Directors in our first-ever virtual Annual Meeting. Meet the individuals who work tirelessly and enthusiastically to oversee our initiatives throughout the year.
With the support of our active Board, our dedicated volunteers and you, our members, ADSNY continues to play an increasingly visible, vital role in the greatest Art Deco city in the World.
To view the video click the play button in the middle of the video title page below. To view the video in full screen click the four corner icon in the bottom right corner of the video. Enjoy!