Documenting Deco Online
Documenting Deco is now digital and can be utilized by educators and families alike! Our new web-based program builds on ADSNY's successful, in-person lessons to provide young people in New York City and beyond with the tools to recognize Art Deco architecture and design from anywhere.
Through these online lessons, that you can start and stop at your own pace, Art Deco design and architecture becomes the inspiration for young peoples’ own art-making processes, which range from drawings, mosaics, computer-based design, 3D found object works, and wherever their creativity leads them.
Documenting Deco online features two sections of engaging presentations as well as Deco Dream City activities to cultivate knowledge and understanding in various important aspects of design. It offers educators, group leaders, and families an opportunity to connect the arts, architecture, and design to social studies, language arts, science, and math.
Through this program, young people are given the opportunity to make a personal connection with the visual world around them and see the role they can play in their ever-changing city.
Documenting Deco online offers experiences in living history, and explores how each of us can honor the past while imagining the future, all while fostering the next generation of architects, designers, preservationists, and artists. Please select the option below that best serves your group:

Documenting Deco online for
K-12 students and community groups
These lessons are designed for professional educators and community group leaders who want to offer Documenting Deco to their classes via remote learning.
Documenting Deco online for
families and friends
These activities are designed for families and friends to have fun exploring Art Deco and creating artwork together, even if they cannot be with one another.
The Documenting Deco online program is provided with funding and support from a generous contributor in addition to:

This program would not have happened without the assistance of many individuals who contributed their time, talents, and knowledge to make it possible. Many thanks to architect and photographer Richard Berenholtz, who inspired Documenting Deco and shares his vast experience with students participating in the program; Judith Spokony, who brings more than thirty years as a New York City educator to creating the teaching guide and student materials; television producer Pamela Kawi who has contributed her talents overseeing all our media; Damian Cavalo for videotaping Richard Berenholtz’s interview; Sandra Tansky for her careful editing and helpful suggestions; Christine Stoddard for her exceptional development and implementation of this program; and David Fuchs for his assistance.