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The Art Deco Society of New York is dedicated to creating user-friendly resources to help in the understanding and appreciation of the architecture, design and culture of1920s and 30s New York and around the world. See ADSNY's online resources below. Click on any image to learn more.

Art Deco Registry & Map

This ever-growing resource catalogs existing Art Deco architecture throughout the five boroughs. The listing includes the year building's were constructed, the architect, address, landmark status, and more!

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Art Deco New York Journal

ADSNY's journal is a great resource to explore all things Art Deco. Articles are global in scope and topics range from architecture and preservation to design to and material culture.

Exploring Deco In . . .

These self-guided walking tours were originally published in the journal and more have been added. Each self-guided tour focuses on the unique Art Deco architecture and culture of different neighborhoods.

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Documenting Deco

This important K–12 education program teaches New York City students about the Art Deco architecture in their neighborhood as well as the important role New York played in the 1920s and 30s.

American Radiator
Deco on Demand Videos

ADSNY’s videos offer recordings of our past online events. Each Deco On Demand video gives you the opportunity to have a similar experience as those who participated in the live event.

Telling the Art Deco Stories of Our Neighborhoods
This program provides free programming focused on Art Deco architecture and design of residential and public buildings in a wide range of neighborhoods throughout the city.
Église Saint-Augustin © www_sophie-voituron_com.avif
International Coalition of Art Deco Societies (ICADS)

ICADS fosters worldwide cooperation and support to preserve, celebrate and educate the public in the appreciation of Art Deco architecture, design of the 1920s and 30s. 

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Deco in the News

ADSNY monitors news channels for timely articles on Art Deco and topics of interest as well as articles that feature the activities of the Art Deco Society of New York, featured in the news.

Art Deco Book List

This constantly expanding book list includes valuable resources for those interested in learning more about Art Deco in New York and around the world. With the wide range of topics, there is something for everyone!

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